You will discover the secret of the uniqueness of EMI beachwear between the seams and folds of its’ beautiful creations. Wearing EMI bikinis, swimsuits and beach apparel, you will experience and feel closely the true passion for design. The pieces are handmade, but this is not what makes them so special. They are made with the Brazilian hands full of love, delicacy, and care.  These hands create and produce EMI’s beautiful pieces since 2016, with the intention of not only wearing them but also embracing their shapes and design.

EMI colors the collections with respect to nature, involving biodegradable natural and synthetic fabrics. In a harmonious and sustainable way, the brand takes what nature has to offer and uses it in a wise and environmentally friendly production process.


SWIM55 distribute EMI in Europe

Look Book 2020

Request price list to our sale contact: swim55@brazilianbikinishop.com

EMI is a sustainable Brazilian beachwear brand, that was founded with the intention of creating a harmonious relationship between the fashion industry and the environment. The exclusive handmade patterns and prints decorate the beautiful pieces made for women who desire to enjoy summer beach days without harming nature and environment.